
Almost all bugs is removed, and also added a lot of new useful things in the game.

Server address:
Server Port: 7172
Server client: custom taken from web
Server exp: stages
Custom Sprites
Rest you can check if you create a account!
  • Map similar to the Brazilian Retail

  • Correct calculation of the active pokeballs in a PokeBag visible in the toolbar PK
  • Running MOVES, FLY, SURF, RIDE

  • A highly developed system of ORDER
  • Number of Pokémon captured in general in the lower left corner
  • Acting Badges, Pokedex
  • Additional option MOVES (no commands) used as Pictures


In addition, point out that on our server, everything is available in the game, only if someone cares much can use the sms shop and subsidize our server in this way!

You can also watch the movie on YouTube:


Welcome to the world of Pokémon START YOUR POKEMON ADVENTURE with Ingenious!